Friday, March 6, 2015

Better Noelee this Year

This year, I have decided to make a deal with myself. I intend to lose the extra pounds off before the end of summer. Through the years of working in the BPO industry again I have managed to gain a hefty 30lbs without me realizing it.
After thoroughly scrutinizing my daily habits, I was able to identify the reason why I arrived at this undesirable body weight.

  • Abnormal sleeping pattern
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Increased appetite (Food became my source of joy. so pathetic. lol)

Since I made a declaration in my facebook account that I intend to remove this extra weight (thank you to the 103 Likers, it really meant a lot), I am more determined than ever.

This time, I have a clear goal in mind and a systematized plan in place. I have carefully thought of all the things that have happened in the past and arrived at these 

  1. Controlled amount of better food choices (No amount of food over my fist size and steer clear to all the C's no matter how much I love them)  C=Chocolate, Cookie, Cake, Cola, Cheese (I must be strong. lol)
  2. Do not drink your calories (Anything added to water means additional calories to burn)
  3. Commit to working out 4x weekly with 1 dance class or swimming session per week. (Excuses are for the weak)
  4. Always motivate thyself. (Find happiness daily instead of resorting to eating
So I am looking forward to going back to this post on May30th to tell myself that I've made it. By then, I will make another post to show my success. I am claiming it!